Physical Therapy Blood Drive
Sponsored by the Physical Therapy Student Council
and the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center
Tuesday November 8th, 2011
Sponsored by the Physical Therapy Student Council
and the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center
Tuesday November 8th, 2011
11:00am-4:00 pm
Doisy Allied Health Building 3rd Floor Multipurpose Room
Doisy Allied Health Building 3rd Floor Multipurpose Room
To donate, you need a photo ID and you must not have donated within 60 days before the blood drive. T-shirts, cookies, and juice will be provided for all donors.
To make an appointment, visit The Blood Drive ID/sponsor code is 9451. Walk-in's are also welcome.
If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Kessler at
Please help support the Physical Therapy Student Council and the Missouri Valley Regional Blood Center. Hope to see you there!