Thursday, October 27, 2011

Saint Louis University Physical Therapy Blood Drive

Physical Therapy Blood Drive
Sponsored by the Physical Therapy Student Council
and the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center
Tuesday November 8th, 2011
11:00am-4:00 pm
Doisy Allied Health Building 3rd Floor Multipurpose Room

To donate, you need a photo ID and you must not have donated within 60 days before the blood drive. T-shirts, cookies, and juice will be provided for all donors.

To make an appointment, visit
The Blood Drive ID/sponsor code is 9451. Walk-in's are also welcome.

If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Kessler at
Please help support the Physical Therapy Student Council and the Missouri Valley Regional Blood Center. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Some Enchanted Evening

Dr. Tricia Wong, Dr. Mark Reinking, and Professor Carol Beckel during Diversity Dinner Cruise

The American Physical Therapy Association 19th Annual Celebration of Diversity was held on Saturday, October 1, 2011 on the StarLite Majesty Cruise Ship in Clearwater, Florida.  Saint Louis University Program in Physical Therapy graduate Dr. Tricia Wong was honored at the event.  Dr. Wong's reflections were printed in the Some Enchanted Evening program guide.  Her reflections were as follows:  

Prior to receiving the Minority Scholarship Award, I was really wondering what God had in store for me for my future. I knew he was calling me to do missionary work, and also calling me to be a physical therapist.  It wasn't until after I received the reward that I realized that those were not 2 separate callings, but rather that I can use physical therapy to serve others and that God was definitely calling me into this field for a purpose.  The money helps fund for my trip to Haiti this summer, where I will be working at a prosthetics/orthotics clinic.  It will give me a glimpse into something I wish to do in the future, which involves more long-term medical mission trips.  
The Minority Scholarship Award also goes to help pay for my education.  My parents have been such a blessing and paid for my education, and I am so grateful to them.  It was wonderful to see the excitement in their faces when I told them I was a recipient for the award and how I could help ease their anxiety by being able to pay for some of my loans.  Last, I am able to offer some of the money to the homeless community that I mentioned in my essay.  After receiving this minority scholarship award, I am thankful for this gift that I can share with those who need it most, even if it is even in a small way.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hustle For Your Health 2011

On Saturday, September 24, 2011, Saint Louis University’s Physical Therapy Student Council  sponsored its 10th Annual Hustle for Your Health 5k run/1 mile walk.  The event, which raised money for the Foundation for Physical Therapy’s scholarship and research programs, was very successful, as more than $1000 was raised!  The participants included 106 pre-registered faculty, staff, students, and family members of the Saint Louis University community, along with a number of pets and day-of registers.  A number of local sponsors donated to the cause and provided prizes for the winners of the race.  Many volunteers made the race move along smoothly, and although the wind was a little bit brisk, everyone seemed to enjoy the day!  Saint Louis University’s Physical Therapy Student Council is looking forward to next year for the 11th Annual Hustle for Your Health race! 

by Maureen Kessler