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Monday, April 30, 2012

Relay for Life - Two Student Testimonies


Relay for Life 2012

Congratulations to all who worked so hard to put together this year’s Relay for Life and to all who participated. We asked two PT students involved with Relay for Life, Maureen Kessler and Dhart Shah, to share about their experience. Read on to learn what inspired them to help!

I first got involved in Relay For Life at SLU when I came to SLU and visited the club fair in the quad. I had been involved with Relay in the past and knew it was something that I wanted to continue in high school. Cancer does not discriminate, it can effect anyone of any race, socio-economic condition, gender, or sexual orientation.
I came into contact with cancer very early in life when my older sister Hetal, who was three at the time, was diagnosed with Leukemia. She spent her childhood in hospitals and still held herself with grace and poise through everything. She didn't want to be a cancer patient, she just wanted to be a normal kid. The Make A Wish foundation reached out to our family and granted my sister one wish--to go to Disney World. They were taken by her youthful spirit and could see how very special she was. Five years later, she was deemed cancer free. She is now a fourteen year survivor and gives back by participating in her university's Dance Marathon and Relay For Life. Though cancer took a lot from her and our family, she hopes to one day see a world in which cancer does not exist. I don't tell you this to make you sad, but to share with you all my reason to relay. I relay for my sister. I relay for more birthdays. I relay for all the families that have been torn apart. I relay for (more) life.
This year on committee I was a part of Corporate Sponsorship, I spoke to many businesses to try to get donations to our event and to the American Cancer Society. Relay for Life is an amazing experience in which everyone can come together for a united cause and provide comfort and support. The unity is tangible when you walk into the stadium, you can all relate to one another and come together to defeat our common enemy: cancer. Whether you are a survivor, a caregiver, know someone who has cancer, or just wants to see cancer stop creeping into our lives, you can be a part of this amazing event.
During that night, we celebrate those who have won their fight against cancer, remember those who have been lost to cancer, and fight back in this on-going battle against cancer. Despite it all, the entire night is a celebration! This year we had Zumba, and all of the A Capella and dance groups on campus perform. As a university, we raised over $130,000 for the American Cancer Society. I highly encourage everyone to attend this event next year. It is truly an experience, and it is one that will change you forever.

-      Dharti Shah  

“Relay for Life”- Three words that usually bring a mixture of emotions to the person who says them: happiness, sadness, confusion, and gratitude. I first heard of Relay when I was in high school. It was some sort of event in which people stayed overnight in tents on the football field and had fundraisers, which included dunk tanks, games, selling food and other items. Oh, and there was TONS of purple everywhere! I was never able to participate in Relay in high school, as our Relay had a strict policy about each team participant needing to stay the entire time of Relay. I was on the track team, and as it so happened, each year on the date of Relay, we either were just finishing a track meet, or we had a meet the next day. Therefore, that would have disqualified me from staying the entire night. However, my Junior year in high school, I had just gotten back from a meet, and everyone decided to stay for the Luminaria ceremony. I was taken aback by the immense support demonstrated by the school and local community for the event. As the speakers recited their stories and experiences with cancer, it was both saddening and heartwarming to know how many people are affected by this disease. Someone’s parent, a friend, grandparent, and sibling: each person knew someone who had battled cancer at some point in their life. Being in a smaller city where everyone knows everyone, there was not a dry eye in the stadium as the stories of loved ones who had either won or lost their cancer battle were read. It was truly a touching moment, and the atmosphere that was brought over the event was something indescribable.
Fast forwarding to college, I had an idea of what Relay for Life entailed. I had a conflict my freshman year with the date so I did not attend, but I have been a Team Captain for the past two years for the Physical Therapy Student Council team, due to my duties as Vice President of Service of PT Stuco. I have really enjoyed the past two events! Our team usually has an on-site fundraiser where we give massages! This fundraiser has always been a big hit, and friends that I have that are on the Executive Committee told me that they always look forward to the massage booth, especially when they have been running around the event and preparing all day to make the event as special as possible. This year we raised $153 throughout the evening, which was great considering the night of Relay was not the best weather; cold temperatures and rain later in the evening made it a little uncomfortable to bear, but a few members of my team and stuck it out until 2 AM! However, we all had a great time talking, listening to music, and eating snacks despite the unpleasant weather! I ended up staying the entire time at Relay in support of my friends and family members that have battled cancer, as well as to support the efforts put forth by the Relay for Life committee for the past 10 months in planning the event; they did a great job with everything! And, as I mentioned in my high school experience, the Luminaria ceremony is one that will always stick out in my mind as a sign of Relay. As the Luminaria bags line the track, the names are read, and everyone walks around the track with lit candles, it is just a special moment to remember those who lost their battle and those that are currently fighting cancer.
Although the event ended early due to the torrential rain, I believe that SLU as a community donated close to $130,000 to the American Cancer Society from the event, which is awesome! I am happy that I was able to be a part of the event, and I hope to be involved again next year as either a team captain or just a member of a Relay team. This is truly a great experience that helps many people who are in for the battle of their life, whether personally fighting the cancer battle or caring for those friends and family members who are sick. After all, PTs are there to help others, right? This is just one way to start off a great career and support a great cause. I encourage everyone to be involved in Relay for Life next year!

-      Maureen Kessler

Congratulations to Newly Inducted Alpha Sigma Nu Members!

Congratulations to newly inducted Jesuit Honor Society Members! Sunday, April 15th, 95 Saint Louis University students and three honorary members were unducted to the Saint Louis University chapter of Alpha Sigma Nu, the national honor society of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States.

Students inducted into the prestigious Alpha Sigma Nu are recognized for their demonstration of an intelligent appreciation of, and commitment to, ideals of Jesuit education, focusing on scholarship, loyalty, and service.

PT students Elena Gray, Maureen McGuire Kessler, Carolyn Marie Mantych, Maggie Null, Juliana Joie Silver, Elana Claire Karkowski-Schelar, Lauren Elizabeth Giblin, and Adam Walsh were inducted. Congratulations to you all!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sophomore PT Students in Movement and Analysis Lab

Congratulations to Darina Sargeant, one of the recipients of the 2012 Women of the Year Award!

On Wednesday, April 25 a luncheon was hosted in honor of the five Saint Louis University women selected as Women of the Year. These women represented a cross-section of the administrative, faculty, staff and students. The luncheon has been a traditional springtime event since 1977 and was co-sponsored by the Women’s Commission and the Office of Diversity and Affirmative Action.
Below is a posting on Darina Sargeant and her nomination as a 2012 Woman of the Year:

Darina Sargeant, Ph.D, associate professor of physical therapy at Doisy College of Allied Health Sciences. Sargeant consistently earns the respect and acknowledgement of her peers. In 2008, she was nominated to receive the YWCA Leadership Award. In 2010 she was inducted an honorary member of Alpha Sigma Nu, the Jesuit Honor Society. She was selected as a participant in an invitation only national symposium on spirituality and health professions. She goes out of her way to serve others and especially to mentor SLU women. Sargeant has served SLU throughout her years of service on many committees for Campus Ministry, Reinert Center for Teaching Excellence and on the President's Diversity Council.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Legacy 2012

Congratulations to all of the presenters at the 2012 Senior Legacy Symposium! The Senior Legacy Symposium is a celebration of outstanding student work across the University that represents the Five Dimensions of the SLU  Experience  - Scholarship and Knowledge, Intellectual Inquiry and Communication, Community Building, Leadership and Service, and Spirituality and Values.

A special congratulations to Program in Physical Therapy students who were recognized at Legacy - Lindsay Noesen and Kristin Bartheld, paired with Rachel Grimmer! Lindsay Noesen presented Physical Therapy as Ministry and Kristen Bartheld and Rachel Grimmer presented Saint Louis University Dance Marathon.  
Lindsay Noesen presenting Physical Therapy as Ministry

Kristen Bartheld and Rachel Grimmer just after their presentation on Saint Louis University Dance Marathon (SLUDM).   

Below is the introduction and mission statement for Lindsay’s presentation on Physical Therapy as a Ministry. To see the rest of the presentation check the bulletin board outside the Physical Therapy office or email Kate Lochhead at

Introduction for Physical Therapy as a Ministry:
Throughout my four years at Saint Louis University and in the Physical Therapy Program, I have had the privilege to explore not only what it means to “be a woman for and with others”, but do so within the context of physical therapy. I have been given the freedom and experience to explore my own passions and gifts and to share them with my classmates, professors, friends, and everyone I have encountered. This presentation will take you on a journey through the connections I have made between my future career as a physical therapist and my personal call to be a woman of faith and justice.

Saint Louis University Program in Physical Therapy Mission Statement:
The mission of the Saint Louis University Program in Physical Therapy is built on traditions of Jesuit education to develop the whole person - mind, body, and spirit. This community seeks to prepare doctors of physical therapy who strive for excellence in providing person-centered care that is ethical, culturally competent and evidence-based and models interprofessional collaboration. We participate in scholarly and clinical endeavors to advance physical therapy practice and research. We are committed to personal and professional development and strive to make a difference in the lives of individuals, in the profession and in the community at large.

Lindsay and her faculty sponsor Elaine Wilder

Lindsay and PT faculty member, Kim Levenhagen

Lindsay’s poster and 2012 Mev Paolo Award
Lindsay and her Campus Ministry mentor, Ben Smyth

Kristen Bartheld and Rachel Grimmer’s
Saint Louis University Dance Marathon Presentation:
Kristen Bartheld and Rachel Grimmer’s presentation focused on the foundation of Saitn Louis University’s Dance Marathon (SLUDM). The founding of this organization was done by Bartheld and Grimmer themselves in an effort to raise awareness and funds for Children’s Miracle Network of Greater St. Louis, which aides St. Louis Children’s Hospital and SSM Cardinal Glennon Childresn’ Medical Center. The SLUDM Executive Board planned family and fundraising events, while promoting and organizing the inaugural 12-hour Dance Marathon. As the premier event of 2011, Dance Marathon’s success culminated with over 300 participants whose fundraising efforts surpassed $30,000. SLUDM continues to provide students with an opportunity for leadership development and insight into the pediatric care and needs of St. Louis.

Rachel and Kristen during a Disney themed hour of SLUDM
Zach, a CMN Miracle Ambassador, onstage at SLUDM

Friday, April 20, 2012

Find Alexcia Chrisco in the latest edition of Universitas

Follow this link to look at the latest edition of Universitas and find Alexcia Chrisco!

Focus on PT Day 2012 Photos

Congratulations to Mark Reinking on being the 2012 recipient of the Dorothy E. Baethke – Eleanor J Carlin Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching!

Congratulations to Mark Reinking on being the 2012 recipient of  the Dorothy E. Baethke – Eleanor J Carlin Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching! This prestigious award is given to one person at the APTA Annual Conference and Exposition. This year it will be awarded on June 7th in Tampa, Florida.

The Dorothy E. Baethke – Eleanor J. Carlin Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching acknowledges individuals who have made significant contributions to physical therapy education through excellence in academic teaching as exemplified in the professional and teaching careers of Dorothy E. Baethke and Eleanor J. Carlin.

Recipients of the award must demonstrate exceptional teaching effectiveness in the academic setting, a distinct expertise in at least one subject area to which the academic teaching has been directed, and excellence as a role model for academic teaching for students, faculty, and clinicians.  

Kelly Hawthorne's Book Chapter in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy, 5th Edition

The book for which Kelly Hawthorne has contributed a chapter, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy, 5th Edition by Frownfelter and Dean, has just come out in print!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New text edited by Chris Sebelski and other editorial team members

The text book for which Chris Sebelski has been part of the editorial team is coming out in print!


Monday, April 16, 2012

A Video from Basic Procedures

In this video students are learning how to properly instruct a patient in using various assistive devices including walkers, canes and crutches. Students were encouraged to problem solve correct usage of the device and then discussed proper positioning of the therapist, patient, and device along with proper gait pattern with device and different diagnoses with classmates and instructors.

Check out these photos from Basic Procedures!

In these photos students are learning how to properly instruct a patient in using various assistive devices including walkers, canes and crutches. Students were encouraged to problem solve correct usage of the device and then discuss proper positioning of the therapist, patient, and device along with proper gait pattern with device and different diagnoses with classmates and instructors.