Accreditation Information

Thursday, March 28, 2013

PT Student Brianne Keller, Editor for JSPTR

My name is Brianne, and I am a PYI student. I am one of the SLU student editors for the Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research (JSPTR). When Dr. Reinking sent out an e-mail asking if anyone was interested in editing for this journal, I responded because I really enjoy reading current research, especially research that is being done by students. It is exciting to see what physical therapy students are capable of and what they are contributing to the research world while still in school. I have also always been interested in editing, and I was excited to see that my passions could be combined, so I jumped at the chance to be a student editor.
I have been involved for one year now, and one of the articles that we edited was just recently published in the journal! It is a rewarding experience that has kept us up-to-date on the current literature and has correlated with the information we are learning in our coursework. The articles that we have edited have been related to neurological conditions such as stroke and spinal cord injury. I want to be as involved as I can in physical therapy because it is my passion. I am continuously amazed at all of the things we can do for our patients that help them to have the best quality of life possible. This has been a way for me to be included in the current research that is helping us to attain our professional goal of providing the optimal care in order to help the patient achieve the best quality of life possible. I am excited to see where the recent literature will take our profession and how it will improve our quality of care for our patients.

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