Accreditation Information

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Snapshot of SLU PT Students at Senior Night in the Ball Park

SLU PT Students 

More than 400 seniors celebrated their upcoming graduation with a night at Busch Stadium on April 26 to watch the St. Louis Cardinals take on the Pittsburgh Pirates. The event, hosted by the Student Alumni Ambassadors and the Young Alumni Association, featured a pre-game party in the Arch Ballroom at the Hilton at the Ballpark, food, giveaways and raffle prizes. Find more photos from the event online at the SLU Alumni Facebook page.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Randy Richter and Darina Sargeant Promoted To Full Professor

Program in Physical Therapy faculty members Randy Richter and Darina Sargeant have been promoted to full professor. They join Gretchen Salsich, who was promoted to full professor in 2012. Congratulations, Randy and Darina! 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Chris Sebelski Receives SGA Excellence in Technology Award

Program in Physical Therapy Faculty Member Chris Sebelski  was recognized for her excellence in technology. You can find the full Newslink article here. Congratulations, Chris!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Snapshot of Senior Legacy 2013

A snapshot of yesterday’s Senior Legacy Symposium.  PT Students Hilary Obert and Amanda DiGangi presented, “5707.52 Miles Between, Equal Urgency for Physical Therapy."

Monday, April 22, 2013

SLU Physical Therapy Rap Wins Doisy College of Health Sciences 2013 Video Contest

The Program in Physical Therapy video, submitted by PT Student Francis McDonald, won the Doisy College of Health Sciences 2013 Video Contest! Francis put together an awesome SLU Physical Therapy rap that you can find here. Congratulations, Francis!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Upcoming Research Seminar

The Program in Physical Therapy is hosting a research seminar at 12:00 p.m. Monday, April 22, 2013 in the Allied Health Professions Building, Room 3036.  Tricia Austin PT, PhD, ATC, Jason Bennett, PT, PhD, SCS, ATC, Ann Hayes, PT, DPT, OCS, Mark Reinking, PT, PhD, SCS, ATC,  will present “Lower Extremity Overuse Injury Risk Factors: Research Findings Update in Community Runners and Collegiate Athletes”.

This event is open to the public.  For more information, contact Joanne M. Wagner, PT, PhD at (314) 977-8532 or

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Relay for Life 2013

Why Attend Relay for Life? Junior PT Student Lauren Scantland gave us a brief background on how she chose to come to Saint Louis University, how she became involved in Relay for Life, and what is special about the Relay for Life event at SLU.

My name is Lauren Scantland and I am a junior in the Program in Physical Therapy.  As an athlete, I knew that I wanted to be a physical therapist and I was introduced to SLU while working with an occupational therapist who had just graduated from SLU’s 5-year MOT program.  I visited 15 schools during my college search, but SLU was an immediate contender the first time I visited campus.  I wasn’t sure about going to school in the middle of the city and didn’t like the idea of not being able to partake in the college tradition of football Saturdays, but the positives have far outweighed those hesitations.  The quality of education and the opportunities available here are unrivaled, and the university-wide focus on serving others is not something found at many other schools.

I have participated in Relay For Life for many years, but this year I decided to further help the cause by taking a position on the Steering Committee for the event here at SLU.  For those of you who are not familiar with Relay For Life, it is an annual event put on by the American Cancer Society to raise money for cancer research and cancer patients.  It is a 12 hour event, taking place this Saturday, April 20 from 6PM-6AM at Hermann Stadium, during which we will celebrate loved ones who have won their battle against cancer, remember those who are no longer with us, and fight back against this disease that takes so much from so many.

The biggest reason I Relay is to honor any child who has ever been diagnosed with cancer. Through participation in Relay For Life, I know that I am helping to provide the American Cancer Society with funding that is so essential to cancer research so that one day, no child will have to suffer from this horrible disease.

Relay For Life at SLU is truly an amazing event.  It is a time when the community rallies together to fight back and find a cure for this disease.  The night is filled with beautiful scenes, starting with the survivor lap and the release of their balloons at the Opening Ceremony, to the Luminaria Ceremony which is a touching tribute to anyone who has fought the disease, to the Fight Back ceremony in the early morning when participants dedicate themselves to the fight against cancer.  It’s not too late to be a part of this year’s Relay For Life!  Visit to dedicate a luminaria in honor of or in memory of a given individual, make a donation, or register to participate!  We would love to see Saturday at the event!

Relay Love,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

To the Treadmill! Photos from Exercise Physiology

PT Students taking Exercise Physiology, a course that occurs in the spring semester of the junior year, must complete an exercise test in pairs. The exercise test includes both a bike test and a treadmill test. These photos feature PT juniors Kayla Vickers and Dan McGurren completing the treadmill test. Kayla and Dan are looking for exercise capacity, which would enable them to give an exercise prescription. 

Cotton Balls, Popcorn Kernels, and 3D Goggles – Must Be Human Growth and Development!

This photo features the Program in Physical Therapy Class of 2015 during a project in today’s Human Growth and Development course. Human Growth and Development is a course taken in the spring semester of the senior year that covers normal development throughout the lifespan.

Today’s project, called “Age 85,” is specific to geriatrics and enables students to physically and emotionally experience what it might be like to be 85 years old. The experiences are dramatized and in generalizations; students place cotton balls in their ears to experience what hearing problems would be like, wear 3D goggles to experience what vision problems would be like, wear tape around their fingers and joints to experience what the immobility of arthritis would be like, and even place popcorn kernels in their shoes to experience what the discomfort of arthritis would be like! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Vote for the DCHS Video Contest

Make sure to vote for the Doisy College of Health Sciences Video Contest! SLU Physical Therapy has a rap!

Monday, April 8, 2013

PT Faculty Member Joanne Wagner Featured For National Multiple Sclerosis Society Pilot Grant

PT faculty member Joanne Wagner is currently being featured on Saint Louis University’s Graduation Education website for her $43,686 pilot grant from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Find the original feature here.

Saintsation and PT Student Mallory Flynn Shares Her Story

Recently we heard from Alex Tepoorten, a sophomore PT student and Saintsation. Read about Mallory Flynn's experience at SLU below! Mallory is a senior PT student and has been on the Saintsation Spirit Squad since her sophomore year. 

Mallory Flynn, first on the left 
Mallory Flynn is in the center, Alex Tepoorten is directly to her right

I decided to join the Saintsations Spirit Squad my sophomore year. I was on my high school’s dance team, and was captain my senior year. My co-captain from high school also decided to attend SLU, and we decided tryout for the dance team because we missed dancing so much.

I am so glad we did tryout because I have had the opportunity to be a part of the Billiken community in a way I never thought possible. I have been given the fortune of meeting so many wonderful people, traveling all across the country, and gaining memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. This past year was definitely the most exciting with the basketball team winning the A-10 Conference as well as traveling to NCAA. I am so grateful for being able to travel with the Athletic Department and team to Brooklyn and San Jose. Cheering on the Men’s Basketball team has been such a fun adventure, and being a part of the Saintsation’s team has made college experience so unique and worthwhile.

I have always been set on attending SLU, but I decided to apply to the Program in Physical Therapy after visiting and taking a Health Sciences tour. I heard many students and teachers speak about the Program, and I fell in love with the idea of becoming a physical therapist. I applied for the program as soon as I returned home. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

New Location for Saturday's Cheryl Cavallo 11th Annual Hustle For Your Health 5K

Several participants have requested the route for Saturday's Cheryl Cavallo 11TH Annual Hustle For Your Health 5K, after walking the neighborhood, we believe this course provides the safest running surface.

 T-shirt and race sign in  will take place beginning at 8:30 between  Allied Health Building (DCHS)   and  Dreiling-Marshall Hall (Advanced Dental Education) on Rutger.  Parking is available in Hickory East Garage.  
After picking up your race packet and T-shirt you will proceed to the track to start the race. After signing in beginning at 8:30 between Allied Health Building (DCHS)   and Dreiling-Marshall Hall (Advanced Dental Education) on Rutger you will be directed east one block to Rutger and Virginia for the start of the race.  

Virginia to Caroline (this is VERY rough payment but you may elect to run on the grass) 
Turn Right proceed on Caroline to Theresa (CRAVE) 
Turn Left on Theresa proceed to Vista
Turn Right on Vista proceed to Grand
Turn Right on Grand to Chouteau
Turn Right on Chouteau to Carr
Turn Right at Carr to LaSalle
Turn Left at LaSalle to Compton
Turn Right on Compton to Rutger
Turn Right on Rutger to Virginia
Walkers are encouraged to complete the route one time.  
Awards ceremony will begin no later than 10:00 am. 
Awards ceremony will begin no later than 10:00 am. 

Turn Left on Virginia
After completing the second leg you will
Run  to Theresa  circle garage ( Theresa to Hickory to track walkway by garage )
Turn Right on Rutger proceed to Fountain. YAHOO YOU ARE FINISHED! 

The race will begin at 9:00 am with runners taking off first, walkers following. 
See you Saturday!