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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Relay for Life 2013

Why Attend Relay for Life? Junior PT Student Lauren Scantland gave us a brief background on how she chose to come to Saint Louis University, how she became involved in Relay for Life, and what is special about the Relay for Life event at SLU.

My name is Lauren Scantland and I am a junior in the Program in Physical Therapy.  As an athlete, I knew that I wanted to be a physical therapist and I was introduced to SLU while working with an occupational therapist who had just graduated from SLU’s 5-year MOT program.  I visited 15 schools during my college search, but SLU was an immediate contender the first time I visited campus.  I wasn’t sure about going to school in the middle of the city and didn’t like the idea of not being able to partake in the college tradition of football Saturdays, but the positives have far outweighed those hesitations.  The quality of education and the opportunities available here are unrivaled, and the university-wide focus on serving others is not something found at many other schools.

I have participated in Relay For Life for many years, but this year I decided to further help the cause by taking a position on the Steering Committee for the event here at SLU.  For those of you who are not familiar with Relay For Life, it is an annual event put on by the American Cancer Society to raise money for cancer research and cancer patients.  It is a 12 hour event, taking place this Saturday, April 20 from 6PM-6AM at Hermann Stadium, during which we will celebrate loved ones who have won their battle against cancer, remember those who are no longer with us, and fight back against this disease that takes so much from so many.

The biggest reason I Relay is to honor any child who has ever been diagnosed with cancer. Through participation in Relay For Life, I know that I am helping to provide the American Cancer Society with funding that is so essential to cancer research so that one day, no child will have to suffer from this horrible disease.

Relay For Life at SLU is truly an amazing event.  It is a time when the community rallies together to fight back and find a cure for this disease.  The night is filled with beautiful scenes, starting with the survivor lap and the release of their balloons at the Opening Ceremony, to the Luminaria Ceremony which is a touching tribute to anyone who has fought the disease, to the Fight Back ceremony in the early morning when participants dedicate themselves to the fight against cancer.  It’s not too late to be a part of this year’s Relay For Life!  Visit to dedicate a luminaria in honor of or in memory of a given individual, make a donation, or register to participate!  We would love to see Saturday at the event!

Relay Love,

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