Accreditation Information

Monday, June 27, 2022

SLU PT Student Kathleen Sullivan had an Encouraging Clinical Experience at ApexNetwork Physical Therapy in Maryland Heights, Missouri

SLU PT Clinical Site Spotlight – ApexNetwork Physical Therapy – Maryland Heights, MO

By Kathleen Sullivan (Class of 2023)

I have learned more than I could have imagined from Clinical Instructor, Bene Hanquet. She has demonstrated how to be a compassionate PT while providing excellent care for her patients. She always challenges me to think about why I am performing a treatment and encourages me to expand my thinking to individualize my treatment for patients. She specializes in vestibular and dry needling certified, and she has made sure to give me many opportunities to experience these fields. Every day, she tells me what I am doing well and how I can become a better physical therapist. She has taught me how to talk to patients and make them feel heard, despite dealing with chronic pain. She listens to my fears in the clinic, supports me through challenges, and celebrates my successes. I always feel that she is on my side and her goal is for me to learn and become the best PT possible.

I would tell her that coming into clinical, I never imagined how quickly I would be able to develop my knowledge and confidence as a physical therapist. She encourages me every day and watching her treat patients inspires me to strive for greatness in and out of the clinic. I am confident in saying I got the best CI in my entire class. She makes me excited to come to work and help progress my patients. Thank you for being the best teacher Bene, I feel lucky to learn from you and every patient I have for the rest of my career will be impacted positively by the knowledge I gained at my first ever clinical.

This is one of a series of posts by the Saint Louis University Program in Physical Therapy students featuring their clinical site and their clinical instructors. The number, quality, and diversity of clinical instruction are major assets for the SLU PT Program

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